Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Flowers and a little calf that I want to share with the world.

Amaryllis flower that bloomed so beautifully at my mother's house. It bloomed again once at our new house and I am trying to get it to bloom again. Corawithcamera copyright 2014-8-20

Below is a Giant Blue morning glory that I that I took a photo of a long time ago.  I have used it on my face book page for years now and just found it available to post here today. I just saw the cute little bug on the right hand side of the flower. Corawithcamer copyright 2014-8-20

Holly hocks blooming at work. I am wondering today if the Holly hocks at the Lazy Tree ranch are surviving. They were double holly hock blossoms in red.

This has also been on my Facebook page since last year. I am reminded of God's love as it seems to shine right out of the glory of this morning glory that bloomed in my yard. Corawithcamera copyright 2013-7

This is Flopsy the calf that I had the privilege of being with in the first hours of life. I want to share the story of this calf in a video and photo format. I  am searching for a good way to do that. Suggestions welcomed. I raised cattle for about 10 years and this was the first time that I got to really be around a calf for such and extended time in its first day so I have lots of fun video and photos. I would love for the world to have a glimpse of this special beauty.

Julie Bergeron character sculpture of her daughter in Glenn Eyrie Madrigal clothing.

Above is a photo that I copied from  the site for some beautiful art work of Julie Bergeron and photos of her daughter since I could not get it to come up directly for the blog. Below is her website. She has such incredible artwork that I just wanted more of you to be able to see it.