I think from the days of Elijah and Elisha and before back to Adam and Eve we have been in an intense spiritual warfare. I love the way Elijah ask that the clouds be rolled back so Elisha can see those who are fighting for us. I do not remember exactly what he was shown but you can read it for yourself as what I remember is a huge army of thousands upon thousands of mighty warrior angels. (Looking for these verses in the Bible which I thought were in I or II Kings.) I have see this battle first hand in my own life as a young 19 year old that Satin tried to convince it was unnecessary to continue living this life. Looking back on that now if Satin would have won that skirmish there would be no kids and my five biological grandkids and hundreds of adopted in heart grandkids and disciples of Christ who are now part of the army of our living Lord making a difference around the world. I see this battle daily as I watch jail inmates who have tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide struggle near death to live as they recover from alcohol, meth and heroin abuse (sometimes in combination of the three). I hate Satin more and more and the destructive diseases and drugs he uses to destroy life in any way he can.
On the other hand we follow the Living Lord, the God of the angel armies who has promised us Life and Life abundantly forever. (John 10:10) I am living life fantastically, forgiven and free. Thankful to be breathing free though I have cared for people who could not and have seen first hand how people die in mid air as if they were drowning. If I should in the future die some similar death I know that God will go through these days with me as He has promised and I will be taken with Him to the heavenly place where there will be no disease. He planned for us and died for us and has prepared a home in Heaven isolated from Sin foreverer to enjoy the stockpiles He has prepared for us. I am in His grip which cannot be broken praying and fasting for all those I can pray for including the President and people that some call rats in positions of leadership that their hearts will be led by God's wisdom. I continue to do the next thing that I know is right to do. God has now kept me busy doing these right things for over 60 years of my life. This morning it includes doing laundry and praying for you. Though I have often failed He lifts me up to carry on and try again knowing failures are just a part of His path to eternal glory (everlasting success!)

Love and prayers from Cora Simpich who is Mama Simpich and Grandmama Simpich Corawithcamera.blogspot.com 2020-3-31